Agüero, Juan C., Rojas, Cristian R., Goodwin, Graham C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2009. Fundamental limitations on the accuracy of MIMO linear models obtained by PEM for systems operating in open loop.
Hits: 4371
Visitors: 4326
Downloads: 2
Carvajal, Rodrigo, Mahata, Kaushik, Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2012. Low complexity Wiener filtering in CDMA systems using a class of pseudo-noise spreading codes.
Hits: 1722
Visitors: 1684
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Carvajal, Rodrigo, Rivas, Karen, Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2016. Information criterion-based channel estimation in OFDM systems with time and frequency offset.
Hits: 982
Visitors: 963
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Silva, Eduardo I., Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C., Lau, Katrina, Wang, Meng. CRC Press; 2011. The SNR approach to networked control.
Hits: 1756
Visitors: 2242
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Knorn, Steffi, Donaire, Alejandro, Agüero, Juan C., Middleton, Richard H.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2013. Energy-based control of bidirectional vehicle strings.
Hits: 1669
Visitors: 1808
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Ljung, Lennart, Goodwin, Graham C., Agüero, Juan C., Chen, Tianshi. Elsevier; 2015. Model Error Modeling and Stochastic Embedding.
Hits: 1988
Visitors: 2195
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Agüero, Juan C., Tang, Wei, Yuz, Juan I., Delgado, Ramón A., Goodwin, Graham C.. Pergamon; 2012. Dual time-frequency domain system identification.
Hits: 3840
Visitors: 4929
Downloads: 792
Mehrkanoon, Saeid, Welsh, James S., Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2011. Evaluation of measures to detect the synchrony between interacting pendulum oscillators.
Hits: 1987
Visitors: 1973
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Carvajal, Rodrigo, Godoy, Boris I., Agüero, Juan C., Yuz, Juan I., Creixell, Werner. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2015. EM-based ML channel estimation in OFDM systems with phase distortion using RB-EKF.
Hits: 2894
Visitors: 2994
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Urrutia, Gabriel, Delgado, Ramón A., Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2016. Low-order control design using a novel rank-constrained optimization approach.
Hits: 1371
Visitors: 1776
Downloads: 419
Aguilera, Ricardo P., Delgado, Ramón A., Dolz, Daniel, Agüero, Juan C.. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); 2014. Quadratic MPC with ℓ₀-input constraint.
Hits: 4505
Visitors: 4779
Downloads: 1
Agüero, Juan C., Yuz, Juan I., Goodwin, Graham C., Tang, Wei. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2010. Identification of state-space systems using a dual time-frequency domain approach.
Hits: 4457
Visitors: 4396
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Chen, Fengwei, Agüero, Juan C., Gilson, Marion, Garnier, Hugues, Liu, Tao. Pergamon Press; 2017. EM-based identification of continuous-time ARMA models from irregularly sampled data.
Hits: 1492
Visitors: 1469
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Delgado, Ramón A., Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C., Mendes, Eduardo M. A. M.. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); 2015. Application of rank-constrained optimisation to nonlinear system identification.
Hits: 2914
Visitors: 3394
Downloads: 449
Knorn, Steffi, Donaire, Alejandro, Agüero, Juan C., Middleton, Richard H.. Pergamon Press; 2015. Scalability of bidirectional vehicle strings with static and dynamic measurement errors.
Hits: 1525
Visitors: 1503
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González, Karen, Coronel, Maria, Carvajal, Rodrigo, Escárate, Pedro, Agüero, Juan C.. International Federation of Automatic Control; 2018. Maximum Likelihood Identification of a Continuous-Time Oscillator Utilizing Sampled Data.
Hits: 1192
Visitors: 1187
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Delgado, Ramón A., Yuz, Juan I., Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C.. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); 2009. A numerical study of time and frequency domain maximum likelihood estimation.
Hits: 2115
Visitors: 2418
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Orellana, Rafael, Coronel, Maria, Carvajal, Rodrigo, Delgado, Ramon A., Escarate, Pedro, Agüero, Juan C.. Elsevier; 2021. On the Uncertainty Modelling for Linear Continuous-Time Systems Utilising Sampled Data and Gaussian Mixture Models.
Hits: 1261
Visitors: 1259
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Escárate, Pedro, Carvajal, Rodrigo, Close, Laird, Males, Jared, Morzinski, Katie, Agüero, Juan C.. Optical Society of America; 2017. Minimum variance control for mitigation of vibrations in adaptive optics systems.
Hits: 4132
Visitors: 4102
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Goodwin, Graham C., Yuz, Juan I., Salgado, Mario E., Agüero, Juan C.. Springer; 2012. Variance or spectral density in sampled data filtering?.
Hits: 1600
Visitors: 1756
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Carvajal, Rodrigo, Urrutia, Gabriel, Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2016. An optimization-based algorithm for model selection using an approximation of Akaike's Information Criterion.
Hits: 1311
Visitors: 1281
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Orellana, Rafael, Carvajal, Rodrigo, Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C.. Elsevier; 2020. Model error modelling using a stochastic embedding approach with gaussian mixture models for FIR systems.
Hits: 867
Visitors: 863
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Carvajal, Rodrigo, Agüero, Juan C., Godoy, Boris I., Goodwin, Graham C., Yuz, Juan I.. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); 2012. EM-based identification of sparse FIR systems having quantized data.
Hits: 1342
Visitors: 1492
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Knorn, Steffi, Donaire, Alejandro, Agüero, Juan C., Middleton, Richard H.. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); 2014. Scalability of bidirectional vehicle strings with measurement errors.
Hits: 1040
Visitors: 1245
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Zamani, Mohsen, Ninness, Brett, Agüero, Juan C.. Elsevier; 2015. On identification of networked systems with time-invariant topology.
Hits: 2497
Visitors: 2458
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Godoy, Boris I., Goodwin, Graham C., Agüero, Juan C., Marelli, Damián, Wigrenb, Torbjörn. Pergamon; 2011. On identification of FIR systems having quantized output data.
Hits: 3328
Visitors: 3180
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Godoy, Boris I., Carvajal, Rodrigo, Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2013. An EM-based estimation algorithm for a class of systems promoting sparsity.
Hits: 941
Visitors: 1026
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Orellana, Rafael, Carvajal, Rodrigo, Agüero, Juan C.. International Federation of Automatic Control; 2018. Maximum Likelihood Infinite Mixture Distribution Estimation Utilizing Finite Gaussian Mixtures.
Hits: 885
Visitors: 883
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Aguilera, Ricardo P., Urrutia, Gabriel, Delgado, Ramón A., Dolz, Daniel, Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2017. Quadratic model predictive control including input cardinality constraints.
Hits: 4068
Visitors: 4428
Downloads: 219
Delgado, Ramón A., Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C.. Elsevier; 2016. A novel representation of rank constraints for real matrices.
Hits: 2058
Visitors: 2565
Downloads: 538
Escárate, Pedro, Agüero, Juan C., Zúñiga, Sebastián, Castro, Mario, Garcés, Javier. Elsevier; 2017. Linear quadratic regulator for laser beam shaping.
Hits: 3471
Visitors: 3558
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Katselis, Dimitrios, Rojas, Cristian R., Godoy, Boris I., Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2015. On experiment design for single carrier and multicarrier systems.
Hits: 1278
Visitors: 1349
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Chen, Fengwei, Garnier, Hugues, Gilson, Marion, Agüero, Juan C., Liu, Tao. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET); 2017. Refined instrumental variable parameter estimation of continuous-time Box-Jenkins models from irregularly sampled data.
Hits: 1732
Visitors: 1699
Downloads: 0
Knorn, Steffi, Donaire, Alejandro, Agüero, Juan C., Middleton, Richard H.. Elsevier; 2014. Passivity-based control for multi-vehicle systems subject to string constraints.
Hits: 1129
Visitors: 1410
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Carvajal, Rodrigo, Agüero, Juan C., Godoy, Boris I., Goodwin, Graham C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2013. EM-based maximum-likelihood channel estimation in multicarrier systems with phase distortion.
Hits: 1482
Visitors: 1475
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Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C., Van den Hof , Paul M. J.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2008. Virtual closed loop identification: a generalized tool for identification in closed loop.
Hits: 5533
Visitors: 5833
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Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C., Söderström, Torsten, Yuz, Juan I.. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); 2009. Sampled data errors-in-variables systems.
Hits: 5204
Visitors: 5683
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Carvajal, Rodrigo, Delgado, Ramón A., Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C.. International Federation of Automatic Control; 2012. An identification method for Errors-in-Variables systems using incomplete data.
Hits: 1630
Visitors: 2234
Downloads: 370
Carvajal, Rodrigo, Rivas, Karen, Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2017. On maximum likelihood estimation of channel impulse response and carrier frequency offset in OFDM systems.
Hits: 1062
Visitors: 1026
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Agüero, Juan C., Rojas, Cristian R., Hjalmarsson, Håkan, Goodwin, Graham C.. Elsevier; 2012. Accuracy of linear multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) models obtained by maximum likelihood estimation.
Hits: 3568
Visitors: 3551
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Godoy, Boris I., Agüero, Juan C., Caravajal, Rodrigo, Goodwin, Graham C., Yuz, Juan I.. Taylor & Francis; 2014. Identification of sparse FIR systems using a general quantisation scheme.
Hits: 2180
Visitors: 2168
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Godoy, Boris I., Valenzuela, Patricio E., Rojas, Christian R., Agüero, Juan C., Ninness, Brett. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2014. A novel input design approach for systems with quantized output data.
Hits: 3245
Visitors: 3469
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Urrutia, Gabriel, Delgado, Ramón A., Carvajal, Rodrigo, Katselis, Dimitrios, Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2016. Sparse logistic regression utilizing cardinality constraints and information criteria.
Hits: 1769
Visitors: 2529
Downloads: 548
Agüero, Juan C., González, Karen, Carvajal, Rodrigo. Elsevier; 2017. EM-based identification of ARX systems having quantized output data.
Hits: 4319
Visitors: 4312
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Esparza, Alicia, Agüero, Juan C., Rojas, Cristian R., Godoy, Boris I.. Elsevier; 2011. Asymptotic statistical analysis for model-based control design strategies.
Hits: 1672
Visitors: 1637
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Carvajal, Rodrigo, Godoy, Boris I., Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2012. EM-based sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems.
Hits: 1621
Visitors: 1752
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Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C., Van den Hof, Paul M. J.. Elsevier; 2011. A virtual closed loop method for closed loop identification.
Hits: 4685
Visitors: 4661
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Delgado, Ramón A., Goodwin, Graham C., Carvajal, Rodrigo, Agüero, Juan C.. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2012. A novel approach to model error modelling using the expectation-maximization algorithm.
Hits: 1479
Visitors: 2312
Downloads: 503
Yuz, Juan I., Agüero, Juan C., Goodwin, Graham C., Alfaro, Jared A.. IFAC; 2012. Connections between incremental and continuous-time EM algorithm for state space identification.
Hits: 3634
Visitors: 3596
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Agüero, Juan C., Godoy, Boris I., Goodwin, Graham C., Wigren, Torbjörn. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); 2009. Scenario-based EM identification for FIR systems having quantized output data.